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Writer's pictureThe Salt Sisterhood

A Sustainable Sisterhood

A closer look at the real meaning of sustainability this Fashion Revolution Week Written by Lottie Lewis

The Salt Sisterhood is a community deeply rooted in nature. Our essence is found in the gently flowing tides, in the rolling waves and the forests and fields that surround our coastlines. The retreats we host are focused on connecting women with the outside world, allowing them to find peace, happiness and themselves. For this reason, we are dedicated to being as eco-conscious and sustainable as possible. Our new swimwear line meets these morals and beliefs. For she who is stirred by the sea, each piece is made with careful consideration for the environment and for people.

When thinking about slow fashion, most of us simply think of the materials a product is made from. Surely as long as the fabric is organic or recycled then a piece is sustainable? This isn’t quite the case... Sustainability within fashion reflects not only the environmental impact of a brand, but the social impact on people and the supply chain when creating a garment. The Fashion Revolution is an initiative launched to bring awareness to wages and working conditions. Fashion Revolution Week unites the world’s largest fashion activism movement, educating and inspiring everyone to know the real value of what they buy and wear.

The theme for Fashion Revolution Week this year is MONEY FASHION POWER. The campaign is calling for new laws that require businesses to conduct due diligence on living wages, transforming the lives of the people that make our clothes and redistributing money and power throughout the global fashion industry. Many big brands rely upon exploiting both natural resources and labour. Prices can be kept low by underpaying workers, and unregulated working conditions make for unsafe, unsustainable factories. Fuelled by overconsumption and throwaway fashion, our clothes have lost their real value. However, the rise of slow fashion is turning the tide on this. The Fashion Revolution calls for safe, fair and dignified working conditions for everyone in the supply chain, an end to waste, an industry that works to conserve precious resources and regenerate ecosystems, and much more. Click here to read all about it.

The swimwear of our Salt Collection is created to last. The fabric is made from regenerated nylon in Italy, sourced from ghost fishing nets and other plastic waste destined for landfill. It’s buttery soft, flattering and durable, plus it cleans up our oceans and tackles plastic pollution. Not-for-profit organisation Earth.Org found that up to 1 million tons of ghost fishing nets enter our oceans every year, a shocking statistic that leaves us feeling incredibly concerned for the health and wellbeing of marine-life and the climate. Not only does the ocean provide us with solace, but it’s an integral component in the survival of our planet, making it our duty to protect it. By working with fabrics that are created from recycled marine plastics and pollution, we are making small steps towards saving our seas.

Designed and tested in Cornwall and made in London, we keep our air-miles to a minimum and carbon footprint low. We chose to manufacture in Britain as we wanted to guarantee, and see for ourselves, that the garment-makers had exceptional working conditions and fair wages. Each piece is handmade by talented sewing machinists in London, in a factory that prioritises low carbon emissions and working conditions of the highest standard. By sourcing our fabrics from regenerative processes and working with ethical makers, we are opposing the throwaway, fast fashion industry and taking responsibility at every step of the supply chain, from conception to finished product.

At The Salt Sisterhood we know that sustainability is a partnership between planet and people, and there is no sustainable future in fashion without considering the workforce as well as the production and materials. To support slow fashion is to carefully consider the clothes we buy and knowing the value of what we wear. We need to choose ethical brands and companies and take care of our clothes. The most "eco" items are the highest quality ones that last the long-haul, being fixed and patched, darned and loved for years on end.

We envisage your Salt Swimwear pieces accompanying you on many a dip and surviving the test of time.

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